Here’s a fascinating datapoint based on YouGov data, that was highlighted by the academic Matthew Goodwin: "I am 10 out of 10 absolutely certain to vote" LAST MONTH18-24s 33%65 yrs+ 68% Generation Gap = 35 points TODAY18-24s 58%65 yrs+ 71% Gap = 13 points #ge2019 (YouGov data) — Matthew Goodwin (@GoodwinMJ) November 27, 2019 That’s […]
The Data Election
What Different Election Outcomes Might Actually Mean For Brexit
At the moment, all focus in British politics is on one date: December 12th, the date of the General Election. But six weeks after that, there’s another, equally important date: The 31st January. Brexit Day. Well, maybe. What happens on Brexit will, of course, hinge on what happens in the election – that’s why it […]
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A Cold Dose Of Reality
We now have just over two weeks to go until the 12th December, and the election is in full swing: There have been two major set-piece TV events (the ITV debate and Question Time), and all of the major parties have now launched their manifestos. The debate will now be about policy and, for example, […]
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Poll Reveals That Younger People Are Savvier Political Advertising Consumers
Yesterday I wrote about how this election could be defined by something completely unpredictable, such as a viral Facebook post that doesn’t even contain accurate information. In a happy coincidence, today marks the publication of some new research by the Open Rights Group, which may give us an indication how savvy voters are, when it […]
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The Bullshit Factor
In a previous era, elections as with the rest of political life were given structure by media and political gatekeepers. The news was only what was printed in newspapers or broadcast on TV, and politics was only played by a small class of people known as “politicians”. Elections were defined by a set of events, […]